JustAnswer Reviews | Is Legit or Scam for Making Money

JustAnswer Reviews | Is Legit or Scam for Making Money
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JustAnswer, to find the answers you need

Curiosity is one of the characteristics characteristic of the human species, and that’s why we like to know the answer to some questions that can give us some headaches. The Internet is a good way to quickly find out the information you need, and JustAnswer is an online platform that allows users to ask questions and receive answers from experts in various fields, such as medicine, law, auto mechanics, IT and many others. The platform was launched in 2003 and is based in San Francisco, California.

justanswer reviews

What are customers reviews think about JustAnswer

To find the answer to this question, I turned to those JustAnswer customer reviews that I found. And, from what we have analyzed, we cannot say with certainty that we are dealing with a highly appreciated platform, but not with one that has only negative reviews.

Many JustAnswer customer reviews mention the fact that it is easy to use and offers those who use it access to the opinions of several experts from different fields. Users also appreciate the fact that their answers are provided in a timely manner and that the experts are well trained and experienced in their specialized fields. In fact, in a JustAnswer review that caught our attention, Joe, the one who signed it, noted that the answer received was “not only fast, but also well documented”.

You can only pay for answers that help you

From another JustAnswer review, I learned that another advantage of the platform is that users can choose to pay only for answers that really help them, which makes them feel more comfortable about the costs and leads them to have trust in the experts who answer their questions. Later, I found not only such a JustAnswer review, but many others.

Fast and qualitative answers

Another important aspect that was mentioned by many users is the fact that the JustAnswer platform is very useful for those who want to get quick and quality answers to their questions, without having to consult with a specialist in person. This can be particularly useful for those who live in rural areas or who do not have access to experts in specific fields in their area.

Confusing pricing system

Not only in a single JustAnswer review did we find reported problems related to the financial side. Thus, many users have complained that JustAnswer’s pricing system is confusing and can lead to higher costs than they expected. Also, some users reported problems with the payment process, as well as with the process of registering and using the platform.

Another aspect that has been criticized by many users is the fact that some experts seem to offer superficial or unclear answers. This can be frustrating for users, especially if they have already paid to have their questions answered. At the same time, some users reported that they had problems getting the answers they wanted from the experts or that they were not satisfied with the quality of the answers they received. Others have complained that the costs associated with questions and answers are higher than expected.

justanswer review

Is JustAnswer legit?

As a rule, JustAnswer is considered a legitimate platform, and many users have appreciated it for its ease of use, speed of response and quality of the answers received. In addition, the platform has a 100% money-back policy in case users are not satisfied with the answers received, which gives them an additional level of protection and confidence. Therefore, it cannot be a JustAnswer scam either.

However, we have to admit, there are also some users who have had negative experiences with JustAnswer and who have raised questions about the legitimacy of the platform. Some users have reported that the experts on the platform did not provide useful or accurate answers, and the costs for questions can be higher than expected.

Is it worth it or not?

To summarize, we tell you that although there are some users who have had negative experiences with JustAnswer, these cases seem to be rare and do not represent the experience of the majority of customers. Also, JustAnswer is a registered company and is regulated by the competent authorities, which increases the legitimacy and trust in the platform.

From what we have analyzed, JustAnswer seems to be a legitimate platform to get fast and reliable answers to questions from a wide range of fields. You can also try and form your own opinion, which you can then share with others, through a JustAnswer review.

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