What is Black Friday?
Black Friday is that day of the year awaited by most people to buy the desired products at a reduced price.
But who used this concept of “Black Friday”? Initially, “Black Friday” or “Black Friday” was used for the first time by the police in the American city of Philadelphia, who described the catastrophic traffic on the Friday following the “Thanksgiving Day” celebration, where families gathered around a festive meal.
Then they went home, and the traffic became very suffocating. Also, on that Friday, the Christmas shopping starts, and the stores start reducing the prices of various products. Many of these stores that offer promotional discounts open their hours very early, some even at midnight and continue until Monday (“Cyber Monday”) or even week (“Cyber Week”).
When is Black Friday?
For a long time, “Black Friday” takes place in November, on the fourth Thursday of the month. For Americans, this event takes place the day after Thanksgiving Day, when more and more retailers have started opening their stores as early as possible or staying open all day or, more recently, moving offers from physical stores to the online environment.
Which popular stores do Black Friday sales?
In recent years, more and more stores on all continents have announced their participation in the great “Black Friday” event.
In the United States, the “Day after Thanksgiving” is expected, while other states consider it a holiday for state government employees.
Being the first day after the last major American holiday before Christmas and the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season, many employers offer them accessible to their employees, and small and large merchants take advantage of this by welcoming them with a diversified offer of reduced products.
Recently, the pandemic changed the course of shopping in offline stores, and most businesses either adapted to the online environment or went bankrupt.
What are the most wanted Black Friday products?
Bearing in mind that “Black Friday” marks the beginning of Christmas shopping, we can say that gifts for ourselves and our loved ones are among the most sought-after products. At the same time, household products, gardening, both food and non-food products, baby items, electronic and household appliances, phones and tablets, and various services must be included in the shopping list.
Clothing or footwear, jewelry, cars, residential complexes, books, and watches are part of the products sought on this great day of discounts.
In recent years, the products participating in “Black Friday” were from various categories, being applicable both for women but also for men and children. At the same time, tourism companies started participating with various promotional packages or even banks.
Tips and tricks on how to save on Black Friday
First of all, in order to benefit from the best “Black Friday” offers, we must make a list of wha
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t we want to buy and follow the evolution of prices for the products on our list.
The second step is to create an account for the online store where you found the products from your wish list and stay logged in there.
The third step is to follow your favorite brands for the products you want to buy.
Another important step is to establish an indicative budget, and before buying a different product from the one you have on your wish list, ask yourself if you really need it or can afford it.
Is it worth buying on black Friday?
It is quite delicate to talk about whether it is worth not shopping on “Black Friday” because there are some stores that adopt a beneficial tactic in the short term but with image damage over time.
If you are looking online for the product you want to buy and notice a significant discount, then it is worth buying.
Most retailers offer discounts that generally start from 10-15% and can reach up to 80-90% in some cases, which means that it is worth buying. The most significant discounts were on the cheaper items, which meant a not very big gain.
It is worth buying on this big discount day, especially if we have important and valuable purchases to make on our shopping lists, such as laptops, televisions, or electronic or household appliances.