CliCliMe, for you to see properly
Regardless of the reason why you want to go to CliCliMe: eyeglasses, sunglasses or contact lenses, here is the place where you will find good quality services and products. Do you want to know more about the company and what it brings to the customers?
No problem, because the following lines will answer many of your questions.
In this regard, I used not only the statements of the company’s management, but also many CliCliMe customer reviews found on the Internet.
Quality products at affordable prices
The management of the company claims that it started on this path with one goal: offering the highest quality products at affordable prices. And, it seems that they do a great job of this task, and from those CliCliMe customer reviews we read, we can’t help but notice how often expressions such as easy to use, professional and reliable are used.
What do customers get?
If you order your glasses from here, you will have many advantages. And you should know that the quality control technicians will actually perform a complete inspection of your glasses before they leave the factory. Also, their frames and sunglasses are guaranteed for 90 days, and through their integrated centralized international distribution center, they can ship orders to all parts of the world and serve customers worldwide.
Specialized examinations are not offered
Someone, in a CliCliMe review, asked if specialized exams can be performed here.
The answer is negative, and you are even advised to visit the ophthalmologist or optometrist to get an ophthalmological exam and a prescription.
What do customers think about CliCliMe
We have to admit, we found not just one CliCliMe review, but many more, which made our work much easier. As a rule, most of those who have turned to them are more than satisfied with their experience, which means that we are dealing with a company that respects its customers.
“I ordered from them when I needed it, but now I will call again, also for my partner”, is that type of CliCliMe review that gives you a lot of information about the customers’ experience with the company.
Obviously, there are also some negative reviews, but they are much less, and for many of them I found the answer of the company’s management, which is trying to solve all these dissatisfactions.
Can I use my contact lens prescription to order glasses?
Unfortunately, prescriptions for contact lenses and glasses are different.
The reason is simple, because the contact lens is worn directly on the eye, and the glasses are placed in front of the eye.
Although the prescriptions may look similar, they are different in strength and cannot be changed. For the safety of customers, at CliCliMe, your contact lens prescription cannot and will not be used to make your glasses.
Is CliCliMe legit?
From the ones studied, we have to give them the credit that we are dealing with a reliable company.
However, in order to avoid any unpleasantness, such as the CliCliMe scam, the company’s recommendation is to use the products and services available to customers on the official website.
It can sometimes be quite inconvenient like this, but in this way you can be sure that you call them exactly and you don’t end up being tricked, paying more than you have to, or not benefiting from their return policy, one designed for the benefit of customers.
To summarize, yes, it really is a company you can trust.
Is it worth it or not to call them?
If you live in the United States, you have every reason to turn to them because they offer good quality products and services. But even if you are from another part of the world, you should not hesitate to contact them, because they are among the best in the field. There are a lot of positive reviews left by many users that we recommend you read to convince yourself whether or not it is worth using them. However, as in the case of any other product or service that we recommend, we have a suggestion for you: always carefully analyze the information on the official website, see also what are the opinions of other customers about them and, if you are of the opinion that best meets your requirements, then nothing stops you from placing an order, regardless of whether it is about sunglasses, eyeglasses or contact lenses.